Corrections and updates to Field Guide to Wild Mushrooms of Pennsylvania and the Mid-Atlantic.
A work in progress. Please check for future fixes/updates.
P.211 Clavaria gigantea: correct name is Calvatia gigantea.
P.124 Hirneola auricular: correct name is Hirneola auricula.
P. 97 The photo of Lactarius deliciosus is probably L. thyinos.
Cantharellus minor is most likely a Hygrocybe species.
Edibility notes:
P.49 I now consider Collybia Jelly(Syzygospora mycetophila) to be as edible as its Gymnopus dyophilus host.
P.120 Further testing indicates that Russula compacta is an acceptable edible species if young, very fresh,and well-cooked.
P.160 Certain reliable authorities sayLeccinum auriantiacum is a safe edible species in the Eastern states.
Updated name changes:
P. 155 Boletus frostii = Exsudoporus frostii.
Lactarius species: P.104 L. piperatus, P.105 L.deceptivus, and P.106 L.subvellereus are now all Lactifluus species.